Wheat diseases and insect pests in the middle and late stages mainly include wheat aphid, wheat spider, midge, head blight, powdery mildew disease, rust disease and so on. Ton control wheat spiders, use 1.8% Abamectin 3000 times spray to prevent and control; to control wheat blossom midge, use 20-30 ml Beta-cypermethrin 5% EC to spray water during the peak period of wheat heading to the early stage of blooming, also can control first generation of cotton bollworm; Wheat early aphid can be sprayed with 50% Pirimicarb mist 8-10 grams per acre, or 10-15 gram 10%  Imidacloprid, and it also can treat Laodelphax striatellus. Powdery mildew disease and rust disease can be controlled by spraying 50-75 ml of Triadimefon 20% EC per acre; Leaf blight and glume blight can be controlled by spraying 75-100 grams of Carbendazim 50% WP per mu.

Wheat head blight should be based on prevention. If there is continuous rain or condensation and haze before and after headling, it should be prevented by spraying twice during the wheat heading period and the wheat blooming period, 80% Carbendazim superfine powder can be used at 50 grams per mu. Or spray 75-100 grams of Carbendazim 50% WP. It is also possible to spray Cyanostrobin 25% EC with 100 ml of water per mu. When spraying, focus on the wheat ears and spray evenly.

Post time: Oct-23-2020